Diferencia entre revisiones de «MediaWiki:Gadget-Versalitas.js»

De EIFA - Estudios Interdisciplinares de las Fuentes Avilistas
Etiquetas: Reversión manual Revertido
Etiqueta: Revertido
Línea 1: Línea 1:
function makeUnlinkYearsTool() {
mw.loader.using( [ 'ext.visualEditor.mediawiki' ] ).then( function() {
// Function to modify wikitext
function addGroup( target ) {
function unlinkYears( wikitext ) {
target.static.toolbarGroups.push( {
return wikitext.replace( /\[\[(\d+)\]\]/g, '$1' )
name: 'mytoolgroup',
.replace( /\[\[\d+\|(.*?)\]\]/g, '$1' );
label: 'My Group',
type: 'list',
indicator: 'down',
include: [ { group: 'mytoolgroup' } ],
} );
for ( var n in ve.init.mw.targetFactory.registry ) {
// Create and register command
addGroup( ve.init.mw.targetFactory.lookup( n ) );
function UnlinkYearsCommand() {
UnlinkYearsCommand.parent.call( this, 'unlinkYears' );
OO.inheritClass( UnlinkYearsCommand, ve.ui.Command );
UnlinkYearsCommand.prototype.execute = function ( surface ) {
var surfaceModel, fragment, wikitext, data = [], onCompleteText;
// Get fragment to work on
surfaceModel = surface.getModel();
fragment = surfaceModel.getFragment();
if ( fragment.getSelection().isCollapsed() ) {
new ve.Range( 0, surfaceModel.getDocument().data.getLength() )
fragment = surfaceModel.getFragment();
onCompleteText = true;
// Visual mode
if ( ve.init.target.getSurface().getMode() !== 'source' ) {
fragment.getAnnotations( true ).filter( function ( annotation ) {
return annotation.getType() === 'link/mwInternal' &&
/^\d+$/.test( annotation.getAttribute( 'normalizedTitle' ) );
} )
return true;
// Source mode
wikitext = fragment.getText( true ).replace( /^\n/, '' ).replace( /\n\n/g, '\n' );
wikitext = unlinkYears( wikitext );
wikitext.split( '' ).forEach( function ( c ) {
if ( c === '\n' ) {
data.push( { type: '/paragraph' } );
data.push( { type: 'paragraph' } );
} else {
data.push( c );
} );
if ( onCompleteText ) {
fragment.insertContent( wikitext );
} else {
fragment.insertContent( data );
if ( onCompleteText ) {
return true;
ve.ui.commandRegistry.register( new UnlinkYearsCommand() );
// Create, register and insert tool
function UnlinkYearsTool() {
UnlinkYearsTool.parent.apply( this, arguments );
OO.inheritClass( UnlinkYearsTool, ve.ui.Tool );
ve.init.mw.targetFactory.on( 'register', function ( name, target ) {
addGroup( target );
UnlinkYearsTool.static.name = 'unlinkYears';
UnlinkYearsTool.static.group = 'utility';
UnlinkYearsTool.static.title = 'Unlink years';
UnlinkYearsTool.static.icon = 'noWikiText';
UnlinkYearsTool.static.commandName = 'unlinkYears';
UnlinkYearsTool.static.autoAddToCatchall = false;
UnlinkYearsTool.static.deactivateOnSelect = false;
UnlinkYearsTool.prototype.onUpdateState = function () {
UnlinkYearsTool.parent.prototype.onUpdateState.apply( this, arguments );
this.setActive( false );
ve.ui.toolFactory.register( UnlinkYearsTool );
ve.init.mw.DesktopArticleTarget.static.actionGroups[ 1 ].include.push( 'unlinkYears' );
// Initialize
mw.loader.using( 'ext.visualEditor.desktopArticleTarget.init' ).then( function () {
mw.libs.ve.addPlugin( function () {
return mw.loader.using( [ 'ext.visualEditor.core' ] )
.then( function () {
} );
} );
} );
} );
} );

Revisión del 14:01 22 ene 2022

mw.loader.using( [ 'ext.visualEditor.mediawiki' ] ).then( function() {
	function addGroup( target ) {
		target.static.toolbarGroups.push( {
			name: 'mytoolgroup',
			label: 'My Group',
			type: 'list',
			indicator: 'down',
			include: [ { group: 'mytoolgroup' } ],
		} );
	for ( var n in ve.init.mw.targetFactory.registry ) {
		addGroup( ve.init.mw.targetFactory.lookup( n ) );
	ve.init.mw.targetFactory.on( 'register', function ( name, target ) {
		addGroup( target );
	} );
} );